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1:00:41 Webinare

vSphere Virtual Volumes (vVols) Replication Deep Dive

Join us to dive into how to take advantage of vVols replication features and see us demonstrate running a test failover of some databases and then how to create copies of those on the target site.
This webinar first aired on 3. Mai 2022
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  • FlashArray//X
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Alex Carver

Sr. Solutions Engineer, Pure Storage

A core feature of vVols is the ability to issue storage based replication workflows natively through vSphere to the vVol storage provider.  This enables vSphere users to take advantage of features offered by the storage providers as well as leverage protection at a granular VM level.  Such an example would be to leverage test failover and failover recovery operations against databases and their applications when running on vVols.  Join us to dive into how to take advantage of vVols replication features and see us demonstrate running a test failover of some databases and then how to create copies of those on the target site.

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