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1:05:26 Webinare

Tips for Virtualizing Microsoft SQL Server

The most common of virtualized workloads worldwide are SQL Server on VMware. Even when technologies are mainstream, mistakes can be made. There are always tips and tricks that can make the implementation faster and more efficient.
This webinar first aired on 23. März 2023
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  • Lösungen von Microsoft SQL und Exchange
  • FlashArray//X
  • FlashArray//C
  • VMware-Lösungen

Melody Zacharias

Sr. Microsoft Solutions Manager, Pure Storage

Jason Langer

Sr. Cloud Solutions Marketing Manager, Pure Storage

In the last decade the busiest and most performance challenged workloads have been virtualized. Less and less do we need to ask the question should we virtualize our most demanding production workloads. The most common of virtualized workloads worldwide are SQL Server on VMware.

Even when technologies are mainstream, mistakes can be made. There are always tips and tricks that can make the implementation faster and more efficient.

Check out this webinar to learn:

  • Better communication for business outcomes
  • How virtual disks affect SQL Server
  • Settings for best practices of SQL Server on VMware

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