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30:19 Webinare

How to Make Big Moves in Storage with Little Risk

Join the webinar to know how Carefirst used Pure’s Evergreen//One to easily and non-disruptively migrate all their data from on premises to the Cloud, resulting in a reduced overall TCO.
This webinar first aired on 27. Juli 2022
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  • Evergreen//Flex
  • Evergreen//One
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Evergreen//Forever

Anil Abraham

Director, Infrastructure Engineering, CareFirst

Taruna Gandhi

VP, Product Marketing, DX BU, Pure Storage

Join Anil Abraham, Director, Infrastructure Engineering for CareFirst and Taruna Gandhi, VP, Product Marketing for Pure Storage discuss how Carefirst used Pure’s Evergreen//One to easily and non-disruptively migrate all their data from on premises to the Cloud, resulting in a reduced overall TCO.

Evergreen One

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