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1:04:03 Webinare

Enterprise Grade Kubernetes at Scale with T-Mobile

T-Mobile, 451 Research, and Portworx discuss trends, challenges and approaches to running Kubernetes apps at scale in production.
This webinar first aired on 17. Januar 2022
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  • Portworx

Joe Searcy

Member of Technical Staff, T-Mobile

Liam Rogers

Associate Analyst, Applied Infrastructure & DevOps, 451 research

Michael Ferranti

VP, Product & Market Strategy, Portworx (former)

How does a leading communications company leverage Kubernetes to accelerate application development? Attend this one-hour webinar and learn how T-Mobile has succeeded in running a large-scale application platform on Kubernetes.

The discussion will include a group of Kubernetes practitioners, industry analysts, and experts, who will discuss trends in, challenges of, and approaches to running Kubernetes apps at scale in production.

You will hear about:

  • The state of Kubernetes adoption for data-rich workloads
  • The essential elements of a Kubernetes storage platform
  • How T-Mobile overcame storage and data management challenges to build applications on Kubernetes capable of surviving huge spikes in holiday demand
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