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47:21 Webinare

ATM: Become a Performance Hero in 3 easy steps with Database Offloading

In this session we will cover how moving non-critical tasks to a secondary server can streamline your production databases.
This webinar first aired on 2. August 2022
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David Stamen

Field Solutions Architect, Pure Storage

Andy Yun

Field Solutions Architect, Pure Storage

In this session we will cover how moving non-critical tasks to a secondary server can streamline your production databases. By moving tasks such as periodic reporting, test & development, and more, production workloads are given the resources they require.

We will show you how to use FlashArray's native replication, coupled with automation, and even VMware Virtual Volumes (vVols) to relocate less critical tasks. Some use cases include reducing report generation times by optimizing ETL workflows, providing one or more point in time copies of data for reporting or quality assurance, and even the ability to perform database health checks without impacting production workloads.

Attend this session to learn the 3 things you need to know to become a performance hero!

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