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18:00 Webinare

Evergreen & Pure as-a-Service EcoCast

In this session we discuss the different subscription services offered by Pure Storage.
This webinar first aired on 5. April 2022
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  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Private Cloud
  • FlashArray//X

Kevin Rickson

Director of Portfolio Marketing, Pure Storage

Errol Hayward

Sr. Marketing Solutions Manager, Pure Storage

In this session we discuss the different subscription services offered by Pure Storage. Evergreen, which delivers an always-improving, as-a-Service-like experience even with Capex purchases, and Pure as-a-Service, which provides foundational storage services supported by SLAs and commitments delivered via a unified subscription.

You will learn: 

  • How to make your storage more agile and enable a faster response to business change
  • How storage data services help to mitigate or offload IT risk 
  • Compare and contrast Pure’s subscription models - the present and future of storage

FlashArray testen

Erleben Sie, wie Pure Storage Block- und Dateisysteme in einer Self-Service-Umgebung drastisch vereinfacht.

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