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27:58 Webinare

ATM: Agile IT for Everyone!

IT pros know that, today more than ever, they need to be able to respond to changes quickly. Unfortunately, legacy storage just isn't built with the agility that IT demands.
This webinar first aired on 6. Oktober 2021
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  • Enterprise-Anwendungen
  • FlashArray//X

Kevin Rickson

Director of Portfolio Marketing, Pure Storage

IT pros know that, today more than ever, they need to be able to respond to changes quickly. Unfortunately, legacy storage just isn't built with the agility that IT demands. But there is another way, one that your peers in other organizations have been adopting in record numbers: an elastic approach to storage that gives you the agility not only to respond, but also to innovate.

In this session, you'll learn:

  • What makes storage elastic and agile
  • What to look for from storage vendors
  • Best practices from your peers on how to respond at the speed of business

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