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16:51 Video

Enabling One of the World's Fastest AI Supercomputers

Meta's AI Research SuperCluster (RSC) is believed to be among the fastest AI supercomputers in the world.
  • Video
  • Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Pure//Accelerate
  • FlashBlade//S

Meta's AI Research SuperCluster (RSC) is believed to be among the fastest AI supercomputers in the world. It is helping Meta’s AI researchers build new and better AI models that can learn from trillions of examples, work across hundreds of different languages, seamlessly analyze text, images, and video together, develop new augmented reality tools, and much more.

In this session, we will learn the design considerations and challenges involved in deploying AI at scale and why Pure Storage is the preferred storage choice of customers at any stage in their AI journey.

„... Meta hat die Zusammenarbeit mit Pure fortgesetzt, und der RSC ist das jüngste Beispiel dafür, wie Pure Meta dabei hilft, seine KI-Forschungsziele zu erreichen“

Pure Storage arbeitet zusammen mit Meta an KI-RSC (Research SuperCluster)

FlashArray und FlashBlade bieten eine widerstandsfähige und skalierbare Storage-Lösung für den RSC von Meta.

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