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Three Best Practices for SAP Basis and HANA Administrators
Title: Three Best Practices for SAP Basis and HANA Administrators Speakers: Ryan Arsenault, Nihal Mirashi
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      The first 5 minutes of our recorded Webinars are open; however, if you are enjoying them, we’ll ask for a little information to finish watching.

      Three Best Practices for SAP Basis and HANA Administrators

      Is your company experiencing explosive data growth? Have you been searching for tips to enhance mobility, protection and portability of your SAP data? Are you concerned about ransomware attacks and need strategies for protecting your SAP application data, remediating any damage and increasing the speed of recovery? If you answered Yes to any of these questions, this session is for you!

      Ryan Arsenault, an experienced SAP HANA architect who has run a F500 SAP HANA environment, will discuss critical best practices to maximize the efficiency of your SAP HANA while reducing TCO.

      Pure simplifies SAP and SAP HANA environments with streamlined migration and always-on data protection—reducing the time, cost, and risk of managing hybrid cloud SAP environments.

      In this webinar, we will cover:

      • The critical value of Pure Storage Snapshots for SAP HANA: Unlimited / No space / SafeMode (immutable) 
      • Easy to drive dramatic cost out SAP HANA with NSE Warm Data Tiering

      Ryan Arsenault

      Field Solutions Architect, SAP, Pure Storage

      Nihal Mirashi

      Principal Product Marketing Manager, Pure Storage
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