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Solving the Ransomware Challenge Leveraging Pure and Veeam
Webinar: Veeam with Pure flash-to-flash-to-cloud leverages on-premises flash for efficient, portable snapshots and rapid recovery, while employing cost-effective, high durable, off-site and self-protected public cloud for long-term retention.
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      Solving the Ransomware Challenge Leveraging Pure and Veeam

      SLED organizations are facing ransomware more and more frequently today. Without proper protection, the only option is to pay the ransom and hope cybercriminals unlock your data. Simple data backup is no longer enough with ransomware even targeting backups, rendering entire environments unavailable with valuable services interrupted in the meantime.

      Introducing Pure Flash-to-Flash-to-Cloud (F2F2C), a revolutionary new solution that is designed for the scale and use cases of modern data backup and protection. Together with Veeam Availability Suite this architecture provides significant improvement in recovery times, and offers additional protection against ransomware enabling SLED organizations to meet stringent SLAs, RPOs, and RTOs and to maintain continuity of operations.

      Watch this webinar and learn more about how Veeam with Pure F2F2C leverages on-premises flash for efficient, portable snapshots and rapid recovery, while also employing cost-effective, high durable, off-site and self-protected public cloud for long term retention.

      Nick Psaki

      Principal System Engineer, Pure Storage

      Joe Marton

      Sr Systems Engineer, Veeam
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