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      The first 5 minutes of our recorded Webinars are open; however, if you are enjoying them, we’ll ask for a little information to finish watching.

      How to Build a Private Cloud with Microsoft Windows Server Hyper-V and Azure

      private cloud enables companies to virtualize infrastructure, consolidate applications, automate processes, and provide self-service IT infrastructure, but is typically built with larger enterprises in mind. The cost of physical infrastructure and the engineering know-how to build a private cloud are usually the top hurdles to overcome.

      Learn how to deploy a cost-effective, easily scalable and agile private cloud solution based on Microsoft Windows Server, Hyper-V, System Center, Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM), SCVMM Orchestrator, SMI-S and PowerShell with a FlashStack Mini converged infrastructure from Pure Storage. You'll also learn how to extend your datacenter with public cloud resources by leveraging Azure ExpressRoute.

      Robert "Barkz" Barker

      Technical Director
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