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Architecture Design for High Availability and Disaster Recovery

You're building a new SQL Server, and you need to protect it. You want to learn when it's right to use clustering, AlwaysOn Availability Groups, virtualization, or storage replication. You don't have an unlimited budget, either, so you need to learn how SQL Server licensing impacts these choices.

Or maybe you're not doing it yet - but you just want to keep your skills sharp.

We'll cover situations when you might choose failover clustered instances, Always On Availability Groups, log shipping, virtualization, or just a plain ol' standalone instance.

Join this webinar with guest speaker, Brent Ozar!



Argenis Fernandez

Principal Field Solutions Architect, Pure Storage

Julian Cates

Solutions Engineer, Pure Storage

Brent Ozar

Founder/Owner, Brent Ozar Unlimited
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