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Achieve Continuous Availability: Bringing RPO/RTO to Zero

As organizations of all sizes move to 24/7/365 operation, the need for high availability storage continues to grow in importance. For decades, vendors have marketed solutions that offer business continuity and disaster recovery but achieving the holy grail of zero recovery point objective (RPO) and recovery time objective (RTO) has been elusive – and incredibly expensive in the few cases it has been achieved.

Watch this webinar to hear experts from analyst firm ESG discuss their evaluation of the Purity ActiveCluster solution, and the replication and automatic failover features that deliver true zero-downtime storage, without the traditional expenses and complexity of previous offerings. You will learn:

  • How to evaluate an organization’s tolerance for downtime
  • What environments are best suited to Active/Active clustered storage arrays
  • Real-world benefits of the Purity Active Cluster
  • Results of ESG validation in Ease of deployment
  • Simplicity of use
  • Ability to deliver promised uptime
  • Unexpected benefits achieved by real-world users

Michael Krieger

CEO, MRK Technology Marketing

Tony Palmer

Senior Validation Analyst, ESG

Don Kirouac

Technology Marketing Engineer, Pure Storage
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