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JFrog and Pure Storage

JFrog is the creator of Artifactory, the heart of the end-to-end Universal DevOps platform for automating, managing, securing, distributing, and monitoring all types of technologies. 

As the leading universal, highly available enterprise DevOps solution, the JFrog Platform empowers customers with trusted and expedited software releases from code-to-production. JFrog partners with Pure to provide fast, high-performance storage and retrieval of binaries.


Technology Alliance Partner
Areas of Focus
Cloud-Native Solutions
Data Protection
Software Development
  • Technology Alliance Partner
  • Weltweit
  • Cloud
  • Intelligence & Information Management


Simplify and Accelerate Artifactory Repositories

Pure Storage technology can complement and enhance a JFrog Artifactory high-availability implementation using NFS-based filesystems for PostgreSQL database and S3-compliant buckets for FlashBlade repositories.


White Paper
JFrog Artifactory on S3-compatible FlashBlade
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