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Become an MSP Partner

Wanted: Elite MSPs

Our Managed Services Provider (MSP) Program delivers world-class storage solutions for leading MSPs. Is that you? If so, we’d love to talk to you.

Join Our Elite MSP Program

Simplify and power your infrastructure with storage solutions for customers and partners:


  • Drive lower TCO and simplify IT operations
  • Enable a hybrid-cloud environment in your data centers
  • Differentiate your solutions offerings


Get started today by completing this form.

Our team will contact you if you meet the requirements to join the Pure Storage MSP Community.



If you have any questions or need more information, please email the Pure Storage MSP team.

Become an MSP Partner
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Vereinbaren Sie einen Termin für eine Live-Demo und sehen Sie selbst, wie Pure Ihnen helfen kann, Ihre Daten in überzeugende Ergebnisse zu verwandeln. 

Rufen Sie uns an: +49 89 26200662


Pure Storage Germany GmbH

Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 6

80807 München


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