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TeleMessage enhances security for a mobile world

TeleMessage builds a secure and persistent encryption process for mobile messages in just three months with Portworx® and HashiCorp.


As more businesses rely on mobile messaging for work, TeleMessage delivers secure, encrypted message archiving for customers. With Portworx storage and HashiCorp Vault’s key manager, TeleMessage built a highly available encryption service that keeps enterprises’ data secure.


  • Telecommunications


  • EMEA

Use Cases

  • Kafka
  • Docker



With mobile messaging growing, especially in an increasingly hybrid workforce, TeleMessage needed to make sure that its mobile archiving services would be available at any time. The company decided to move to cloud-native Kubernetes storage, and make the migration seamless to minimize impact on customers.


Business Transformation

  • Cloud-native Kubernetes storage puts zero strain on developers
  • Secure solution integrates with TeleMessage’s hosted environment
  • Robust encryption supports data regulations across geographies

IT Transformation

  • Enhanced secure microservices architecture that scales with customer needs
  • Secure, redundant, and available storage meets I/O requirements
  • New storage live in just three months, with no downtime and minimal overhead

Ressourcen Im Fokus


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