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New Comcast Infrastructure Saves Date Night

Media and entertainment giant Comcast and partner Pure Storage save the night with next generation infrastructure that delivers great video-on-demand service and cuts millions in operational costs.


When Comcast wanted to improve reliability of its video-on-demand service, it created a next-generation infrastructure platform using Kubernetes and Pure Storage Portworx®. Comcast can now quickly identify and address issues, reducing failure rate to less than 1%. After the early success, Comcast expanded the platform into other geographies and business areas including voice, networking, advertising, IoT, and online apps. 


  • Media and Entertainment


  • NOAM

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Enable Multi-cloud


Comcast’s Multi-year Journey with Kubernetes and Portworx
Paul Davis, Principle Engineer at Comcast, shares his insights on Comcast’s multi-year journey with Portworx.


With a customer base of 53 million subscribers, even a low failure rate could affect thousands of households. To address the problem, Comcast needed to modernize its video infrastructure, including persistent storage and monitoring, without adding management overhead.


Business Transformation

  • Improves customer experience for video-on-demand services by identifying and resolving issues before they result in failure
  • Expands the platform to all business areas, delivering early problem detection and resolution across the company
  • Saves millions in operating costs

IT Transformation

  • Reduced failure rate below 1%
  • Doubled utilization in 12 months 
  • Improved monitoring capabilities, ingesting 175TB/day, 2.5M events/sec, 4.3T documents total

Ressourcen Im Fokus


SmartDigital liefert bahnbrechende Innovationen mit schnellem Storage


OPO Oeschger rüstet sich für die Zukunft im Einzelhandel


Immer frische Lebensmittel dank Evergreen


Tradition setzt auf Zukunft mit All-Flash-Arrays


Daten, dank Flash-Storage pünktlich wie die Maurer

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