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Nu Skin Chooses Pure Storage for Hybrid Cloud Nirvana

Cloud Block Store for AWS enables Nu Skin to achieve reliability, efficiency, and enterprise capabilities across all clouds
Nu Skin Selects Pure Storage as Data Storage Provider

Mountain View, Calif. – December 3, 2019 — Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG), the data solutions leader delivering a modern data experience announced today that Nu Skin, a global leader in premium-quality beauty and wellness products, has chosen Pure to unify on-premises and public cloud deployments. By transitioning essential applications to the cloud using Pure’s Cloud Block Store for AWS, Nu Skin has access to real-time data to run hypothetical if-then analyses to draw insights on distributor performance and internal processes and use those insights to make critical data-driven business decisions.

“With the help of Pure Storage, we completed our cloud migration and kept the business running during our transition to AWS with no interruptions.” 

Joe Sueper
VP Global Infrastructure & Operations, Nu Skin

“Running Cloud Block Store, we experienced an 80:1 data reduction, improving the performance of our critical applications and ultimately reducing costs.”

Beyond cost savings and improving application performance, the migration also allows Nu Skin to continue providing its employees with rewarding business opportunities and offering customers premium-quality products, all powered by a seamless hybrid cloud strategy.

“Pure Storage and Nu Skin are both rooted in innovation, so this partnership to enable Nu Skin’s journey to the cloud is a natural fit,” said Prakash Darji, VP and GM, Pure Storage. “As a key element of Nu Skin’s hybrid cloud transition, Cloud Block Store helps Nu Skin improve efficiencies and gain the flexibility it needs to remain competitive.”

Über Pure Storage

Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG) gibt Technologen ihre Zeit zurück. Pure liefert eine moderne Datenerfahrung, die es Unternehmen ermöglicht, ihren Betrieb als echtes, automatisiertes Storage-as-a-Service-Modell nahtlos über mehrere Clouds auszuführen. Pure ist einer der am schnellsten wachsenden Anbieter von Enterprise-IT aller Zeiten und hilft Kunden dabei, Daten optimal zu nutzen und gleichzeitig die Komplexität und die Kosten beim Verwalten der zugrunde liegenden Infrastruktur zu verringern. Und als eines der in den Top 1 % platzierten B2B-Unternehmen im Bezug auf die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden kann Pure eine stetig wachsende Liste an Kunden vorweisen, die zu den zufriedensten der Welt gehören.

Pure Storage, das Pure P-Logo, Portworx und die Marken auf der Pure-Markenliste unter sind Marken von Pure Storage, Inc. Andere Namen sind Marken der jeweiligen Inhaber.

„Kontakt“ drücken
Rena Fallstrom
Public Relations, Pure Storage
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