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1:03:13 Webinars

Using STaaS to Navigate the Landmines and Complexities of Storage

Gain perspective on where the storage industry is rapidly headed, and learn new ways to address the complexities of traditional storage with one of the top Storage as-a-Service (STaaS) solutions in the market.
This webinar first aired on 27 de Abril de 2022
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Henry Baltazar

Research Director, 451 Research

Prakash Darji

Vice President & General Manager, Digital Experience Business Unit, Pure Storage

James Laming

Global Head of Infrastructure, Options Technology

Micah Kroeze

Senior Vice President, Product Management, Options Technology

Using STaaS to Navigate the Landmines and Complexities of Storage

Engage in a thought leadership discussion with Pure Storage, 451 Research, and Options Technology on the future of storage. Gain perspective on where the storage industry is rapidly headed, and learn new ways to address the complexities of traditional storage with one of the top Storage as-a-Service (STaaS) solutions in the market. Hear real-life examples directly from a customer on how they are applying STaaS to uncomplicate their datacenters.

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