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29:19 Webinars

Auto-on SafeMode: Zero Trust Ransomware Protection by Default

Join us as we discuss the benefits of Auto-on SafeMode, differences between the original version of SafeMode and SafeMode secured by default, and a demo of the upcoming self-service SafeMode approval onboarding and management in Pure1.
This webinar first aired on 14 de Junho de 2023

AI advances will make polymorphic malware and ransomware even more effective as it escapes detection. Having the ability to recover data is paramount after a ransomware attack. That’s what SafeMode™ provides, even against the most sophisticated attacks. Join us as we discuss the benefits of Auto-on SafeMode, differences between the original version of SafeMode and SafeMode secured by default, and a demo of the upcoming self-service SafeMode approval onboarding and management in Pure1.

Test drive do FlashBlade – proteção de dados

Faça um test drive do armazenamento avançado para recuperação pós-ataque ransomware

Fique um passo à frente dos ataques ransomware. Teste uma instância de autoatendimento da Pure1® para gerenciar o Pure FlashBlade®, com recuperação com expansão em petabytes de até 270 TB por hora.

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