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8:43 Vídeo

Manage Hybrid Cloud Environments with Infrastructure as Code

Managing bespoke hybrid cloud environments can be challenging and time-consuming. Physical infrastructure and networks have traditionally been barriers to velocity. Equinix aims to change these standards.
  • Nuvem híbrida
  • Managed Service Provider
  • Equinix
  • Vídeo
  • Pure//Accelerate

Managing bespoke hybrid cloud environments can be challenging and time-consuming. Physical infrastructure and networks have traditionally been barriers to velocity. Equinix aims to change these standards. See how using infrastructure as code - specifically, Terraform - enables you to quickly and repeatedly deploy physical and digital assets to build your ideal hybrid cloud environment. Spend a short time planning then sit back and watch while physical servers and network connections are deployed in minutes to public clouds using private and dedicated connections such as AWS Direct Connect."

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