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33:58 Vídeo

Best Practices for Kubernetes Data Protection

In this hands-on session, learn how to best implement Portworx backup and data protection solutions to achieve true application-level backups, multi-cloud resiliency, and seamless application portability.
  • Contêineres
  • Portworx
  • Vídeo

Kubernetes provides the flexibility to quickly deploy your applications on any cloud and easily migrate them across clouds or premises. But how do you ensure this flexibility doesn't put your applications at risk?

In this hands-on session, learn how to best implement Portworx backup and data protection solutions to achieve true application-level backups, multi-cloud resiliency, and seamless application portability. With Portworx, you can trust your data will be available and recoverable.

Faça um test drive da Portworx

Faça um test drive da Portworx

Acelere sua jornada nativa para a nuvem Acesse o laboratório virtual e teste a plataforma líder de armazenamento e proteção de dados Kubernetes, de acordo com pesquisa da GigaOm.

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