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Date: October 13, 2021
Location: Virtual
Type: Webinar

The Data Analytics Black Box: (Kind of) Predicting the Future

October 13, 2021
11 AM PT/ 2 PM ET

The Data Analytics Black Box: (Kind of) Predicting the Future

Who knew that the best coffee break conversations would end up happening online? Each month, Pure's Coffee Break series invites experts in technology and business to chat about the themes driving today's IT agenda - much more 'podcast' than 'webinar'. This is no training session—it's a freewheeling conversation that's as fun as it is informative and the perfect way to break up your day. While we'll wander into Pure technology, our goal is to educate rather than sell.

This month, host Andrew Miller will invite Miroslav Klivansky to the virtual break room to discuss all things data analytics + Pure Storage. Our 45-minute chat will cover:

  • Modern Analytics - where it came from, where it's going, and why businesses care
  • Common Data Flows & Pipelines in Modern Analytics
  • AI & ML - more than just buzzwords? (and you don't have to be intimidated by them)
  • Data Analytics use cases - illustrated with business applications supported by Pure Storage

For joining us, we'll send you a $10 Starbucks eGift card after the event. Also, one lucky attendee will win a Nespresso Essenza Mini and Aeroccino 3 Milk Frother (valued at $200)!

The team will stay on after the webinar answering any questions for those that want to stay longer!

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Andrew Miller

Principal Technology Strategist, Pure Storage

Miroslav Klivansky

Principal Field Solutions Architect, Pure Storage
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