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Guia do comprador, 14 pages

A Buyer’s Guide to Modern Virtualization

Not sure what to do about VMware?

Changes at VMware have IT leaders asking what’s next. Fortunately, there are options that will help you handle these developments with ease. Download this buyers guide to learn about: 

  • Optimizing VMware
  • Alternative options like hypervisors, cloud, and Kubevirt
  • Building for future flexibility, certainty, and scale

“Through 2028, disruptions in the server virtualization market will result in more than 60% of enterprises accelerating their public cloud migrations and exploring revirtualization of virtual workloads.”

Gartner®, Predicts 2024: Mind the Gap Between Infrastructure and Infrastructure Platforms, 17 October 2023.*

*GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

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  • Guia do comprador
  • Virtualização
  • VMware
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