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Oracle and Pure Storage

Pure Storage® helps maximize the value of Oracle data for transactional, data warehouse, and analytics workloads. Pure solutions for Oracle simplify deployment and management of Oracle environments, enabling enterprises to reduce costs from operations and deliver higher levels of performance and response time to applications and users.

Pure Storage is an Oracle Partner and aligns with Oracle to enhance technology development and interoperability. Pure qualifies and supports platforms for key Oracle technologies, including Oracle Linux,  Oracle Solaris, and Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Technology Alliance Partner
Areas of Focus
Backup and Restore
Data Warehouses
Disaster Recovery
  • Global
  • Technology Alliance Partner
  • Cloud
  • Data Protection
  • Orchestration & Infrastructure


Discover the Pure Advantage to Optimize Your Oracle Data Infrastructure

Improve performance and transform your Oracle data into powerful outcomes. Take advantage of data storage simplicity, flexibility, and constant innovation—all while your data remains agile, accessible, and secure.

*All-flash storage for your Oracle data management

“We didn’t know you could believe what a storage vendor told you, until we met Pure Storage.”

James Kelly
Oracle DBA and Storage Administrator, Chapman University


Solution Brief
Uncomplicate Oracle Data Storage
Dúvidas ou comentários?

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Agende uma demonstração

Agende uma demonstração ao vivo e veja você mesmo como a Pure pode ajudar a transformar seus dados em resultados poderosos. 

Telefone: 55-11-2844-8366



Sede da Pure Storage

Av. Juscelino Kubitschek, 2041

Torre B, 5º andar - Vila Olímpia

São Paulo, SP

04543-011 Brasil

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