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Pure Storage + MediaZen

Driving AI Innovation in Voice Recognition

When it came time for this advanced technology company to transform its business with a new, high-performance R&D platform to power cutting-edge AI research, MediaZen chose the Pure Storage® platform.

5 min. read
As MediaZen moved into AI-powered solutions, its storage lacked the performance needed to efficiently process large, unstructured data and AI workloads. This problem was compounded when the company expanded its GPU cluster and experienced difficulties scaling its storage. As data volumes grew, the complex storage environment was increasingly difficult to manage. MediaZen needed a simpler, more performant storage solution to support its AI solution development.
The Pure Storage platform became a value generator for MediaZen where new AI models are created in a fraction of the time, with a fraction of the effort. In the past, it could take up to a year to complete AI modeling tasks. With the new research environment powered by Pure Storage FlashBlade®, it takes just two weeks. The company now moves data between GPUs and storage units much more quickly and can scale GPU clusters and their storage environment seamlessly to process even larger volumes of data efficiently.
AI modeling
to build a new voice recognition model
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A leader in voice recognition solutions for diverse markets, MediaZen built a high-powered and scalable R&D platform on Pure Storage to supercharge AI research. As data requirements for AI models continue to grow, MediaZen works with Pure Storage to meet current and future demands. The MediaZen IT team spends less time on maintenance, which means that they can stay on top of a growing environment and continue to drive advancements in the field.

“The Pure Storage platform gives us the agility to take our AI models to the next level, handling ever-increasing workload demands and exceeding our performance expectations.”

Jongsung Yoon

Deputy Director of NAMZ AI R&D Group, MediaZen

Data Warrior / MediaZen

MediaZen, winner of the Pure Storage Data Warrior of the Year Award, uses Pure Storage to power its leading-edge AI research.
Data Warrior / MediaZen
MediaZen, winner of the Pure Storage Data Warrior of the Year Award, uses Pure Storage to power its leading-edge AI research.
5 min. read
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