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DATIC Protects Citizen Data from Attack

Santiago de Cali residents rely on DATIC for fast online access to local government services, so DATIC relies on Pure Storage for high performance and data security.




As the IT organization supporting agencies of the third most populous city in Colombia, DATIC aims to deliver the best performance and availability to Santiago de Cali citizens. Pure Storage® helps DATIC keep systems online and resident information secure from attack and error-driven data loss.


  • Local Government


  • Latin America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Modernize data protection
  • Enable multi cloud



With so many critical government services accessed online, DATIC needed reliable, high-performance storage that met the demand for fast and responsive service. At the same time, DATIC had to protect data and quickly recover data lost through error or other disaster. Pure Storage addressed these concerns with a cost-efficient solution that delivers fast access, efficient storage, and data protection.


Business Transformation

  • Provides fast, reliable services for millions of residents
  • Supports government agencies with any technical demands
  • Secures data and accelerates recovery for business continuity

IT Transformation

  • Accelerated database process from 24 hours to 18 minutes
  • Recovered 30TB database in seconds
  • Reduced AWS costs with data reduction, consumption-based pricing

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