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20:31 Webinar

Solving the Energy Issue in Data Centers

Niki Armstrong and Intel's Merlin Kister, Sr. Director, Product Sustainability Strategy & Execution, discuss the power issues in data centers.
This webinar first aired on 19 June 2024
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Hello, how is everybody? How was the afternoon? Awesome. That now that actually didn't sound so good. How was the afternoon? Much better? Excellent, excellent. Well, uh I'm here to talk about, well, data.
It is the lifeblood of every organization and it powers critical operations and in fact, our businesses depend on it being accessible 24 7. Yet we often take for granted that we're always gonna have the resources that we need to power and cool the data centers that our data stands in and sits in and where it's stored and accessed and managed in reality, ensuring that your data is actually always available and
supported. Well, it's no small feat and so managing that data infrastructure to meet the ever growing needs of your business as well as managing all of those costs that are associated with power and space and cooling to operate the infrastructure. Well, it's become a critical problem for most organizations.
So how much do, how much do these energy, how much energy do these data centers actually cost? So let's try to understand the scale of this for a moment. Andy, do you know how much you spend on your power bill. You do. OK. So we're going to use that as a baseline. So in California alone, the 260 plus data centers, they consume the
equivalent or the same amount of energy as 1.8 million homes. And then in Texas, there's 306 300 data centers and that energy consumption 3.75 million homes. The power consumption created by data centers truly is mind boggling and as we tackle the tsunami of resources that A I is actually requiring and the inevitable power
demand surges that that happen on data centers will. Oh, hang on. We got like a we got a code red here. Hang on, hang now. My flashlights not even working you guys. Oh OK. Kyle. Bring the lights up.
This is like too much of a code red here. All right. So if that happened to your organization, that'd be pretty urgent, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Thank you. Somebody answered. Yes. So we need to be thinking about it now so that we don't wind up in the dark.
Yes. Thank you. So we've seen the head. Thank you. I'm glad somebody's laughing at my bad dad joke. So we've seen the headlines, right? We understand the challenges and we've got the power to actually make the right decisions. All of you do and Pure is obviously here to
help. So the good news Pure has been on a mission from day one to reduce the power and energy footprint that our data infrastructure requires. So we've been partnering uh with world class partners to provide the approaches and the solutions that our customers need to reduce energy costs, increase efficiency and use less power. So customers like Virgin Media 02,
it's a UK telecom uh telecom provider. So they've been using pure storage solutions um that are actually powered uh with Intel processors and they saw a 90% reduction in data center floor space and an incredible 96% reduction in consumption. And so it's pretty incredible when you think about it.
So, um speaking of Intel, I'm very, very excited to sit down with Merlin Kister who is the senior director of product sustainability strategy and execution at Intel. And he's actually gonna talk about his view on sustainability. What Intel is doing to focus on solution and how all of you can get ahead of the power problem. So before Merlin comes to the stage, I do want
to ask you to watch this quick video. What is the spark for the dreamers who do they dream of a life with no diseases of cleaner greener, more reliable energy of advancing education by bringing A I Everywhere Intel is the spark to start something new to know that. No dream is too daring.
When you have the right foundation, it starts with Intel. Well, there we have it, it starts with Intel. Merlin. Great to see you. Thank you and thank you so much for being here. You're such a valued partner to pure and, uh, we couldn't be more thrilled that you came and sat here on the stage and talked a little
bit about one of my favorite topics. Well, thank you for having me. What a great conference so far. Everybody, don't you think it's terrific. Terrific. So, I'm glad we're here and we can talk a little bit about Intel and talk about Intel and pure relationship as well. Absolutely, Intel has been an environmental steward for decades.
Uh It's part of our mission. We, our mission is to enrich the lives of everyone on the planet. And so we kind of view that environmental stewardship is part of our DNA and we're really proud of our accomplishments, not just because of us as a company, but what they can do for the planet, for example, we use 99% renewable electricity for
our global operations, which is absolutely incredible. If you think about that number, we send 6% of our waste to landfill. We're net positive in four countries for water, including the US and India. You're gonna ask me about emissions though. I'm sure you're gonna say, what do we do about emissions? So over the past year,
we had a reduction of 43% of our greenhouse gas emissions, which is just incredible, so impressive we have. Um Thank you. Thank you really great work from our manufacturing team. So I'm on the product side and my team's role and responsibility is to ensure that all the products that use are the platform, services and solutions that Intel develops and delivers
are as sustainable as possible. And what that means is really looking at the energy efficiency of them and also recyclable or circularity. Absolutely. Well, when you think about the space and the energy consumption, how does it tie into Intel sustainability initiatives? Well, I look at it from a, you have to take a holistic view of everything,
right? And sewage is such an essential piece of the data center. You can see great stats on the screens. You mentioned data center energy consumption, it's 1 to 3% of global energy consumption. If you think about that, that number is huge and storage is 20 to 25% of that. So doing things and, and helping the world buy better storage solutions really can make a
difference. I'm glad that Intel and pure are working together collaboratively and we've developed innovations and technology to increase not only density but energy efficiency. Well, Merlyn, one of the things that we've spent the last couple of days talking about is A I. Uh In fact, it's probably the thing we've been
spending the most uh amount of time on in the last few months. So can you talk to me a little bit about how are, how, how is the the workload that A I is creating how is it different from what we've seen in the past and really what's so unique about it that it's driving so much energy consumption. Well, I think you said your talk was about data and A I is all about data and I think everyone
knows. Right. We're all living in this world. We're seeing that data tsunami, right. Come at us. Um Interesting stats on A I GP T four that was trained on 13 trillion tokens. Think about that. That's roughly 10 trillion words.
Are there even that many words in the dictionary? I don't know, they have to reuse some because 10 trillion II, I can't, I can't even comprehend that the models themselves are inherently complex, which means that you need to use special processors like accelerators or general purpose pro processors with accelerators built in what we're seeing though is,
and we talk about the A I being the future but it's kinda, it's here now. GP T 3.5 many of you have all of you used open A I or Chat GP T, I'm sure. Right. So the precursor to that, not even the model that's used there,
but Chat or GP T 3.5 that used 1300 megawatt hours of electricity. That's a lot. And I know it's hard to comprehend when you see these big numbers. That's as much electricity as used by 100 and 28 homes in the US for a year. So it's creating this insatiable demand. So as we have to give this special processing
power to make A I the models work, the inference work, we're seeing a lot of energy consumption and the energy is being constrained in many areas. It's just not there. For example, in in Dublin Amsterdam, Singapore, even the Silicon Valley, it's affecting data center build out because the energy is just not there.
Well, I was just reading an article a couple of weeks ago about some companies that were looking to buy land so they could build their data center, build their data centers on and you know, the city or county in which they actually bought in said, hey, well, good on you that you bought this, but we can't even power it for you. So good luck there. So how, how are you seeing that come into play?
Well, this is a big impact and as we've gone out and we've talked to many of your companies, right? Many of you probably in the audience, right? We've done surveys, we know that space and power capacity is critical. So these issues are becoming more front of mind as they should be.
Power consumption and density are being scrutinized like no other. And of course, it's probably reasonable to expect, right? So from a density perspective, if I can have more storage with less square and less square footage, I may not have to build out or build another data center. I may not have to scale out which by the way, I wouldn't have the electricity or the energy to
supply it. The same thing is happening on processing power. So I want to make sure that I can deliver as much processing power as possible within a power envelope. So that's driving efficiency of processing. Now you mentioned before or actually you had that that interesting, I guess demonstration of the power going out right here.
Is it really as dramatic as that? I mean, can that actually happen? Should, should folks be worried about the data center actually just powering down and losing it? Well, it's, it's certainly a risk and I think it's something that we all just need to understand now, it could be something that's just degrade your operations.
But how many of you want to have degraded operations? Nobody, right? But it could also be even worse than that similar to like a cybersecurity event. This is all kind of doom and gloom though. I want to make sure that I leave you with good news and the good news is it is preventable with the right actions right now.
Well, so, so much of this audience actually plays a critical role in the decisions and management of the data center. So if you had some words of advice on how they could make sort of a huge impact, maybe what's some low hanging fruit on how to increase efficiency in their own data center what would that be? Sure. I think the first one is driving awareness of
the need to manage your energy and space. And I think if you start to have the conversation or do the analysis, you need to look at cost reliability, business continuity, but then you can't forget about the benefits. And you mentioned one earlier with V I was hearing you in the back and which I think is just absolutely incredible using pure and an
Intel solution. 96% energy reduction, a 90% floor four floor space reduction. That's a huge impact. Imagine going to your management, your C suite and saying, hey, I can develop, bring you a solution today that delivers those great benefits. Then I would say have that conversation and
then assess your current needs, right? What are you looking forward to do today? How do you maximize what you have? I would say because I'm from Intel, use the latest Intel energy efficient processors with Zion, which pure is using. We have built in accelerators. Thank you very much built in accelerators for compression and encryption.
And that's allowed us to deliver to your customers all of you here three times better performance per watt, right? These are real numbers that provide real advantages and a difference. Finally, I would say find your allies, find your partners who are committed to driving solutions for sustainability or energy efficiency and space as you are like pure and Intel, I love it and I love the partnership.
Well, I was listening to blog earlier this uh afternoon. Uh he was doing an A I breakout session and uh he, he talked about data being fuel for A I and you know, all I could think of in my head was a I does that actually stand for additional infrastructure? Yeah. So I mean, help me understand what, what should we be thinking about there?
You know, is that what it really means? Well, it can and we're seeing that build out, the build outs are, are starting to happen everywhere. So as your companies look, look to develop more A I solutions. Again, we talked earlier about large language models, but most likely all of you here are probably not gonna be developing or building
your own large language model, but you are gonna be having smaller models and probably many of them. So you're still gonna have to do a lot of training or using R A or inference. Yeah. Well, I know that we have about a minute left here and I know everybody is very anxious to get to our next speaker. So I love a good lightning round.
Are you with me? Ok. All right, let's do it. All right. We didn't practice this. So. Ok. Ok. Do you know, would you rather, you know how to play? I think I, OK. OK. Here we go. OK, we'll be nice. I'm gonna give you like a like a Humdinger.
You'll be fine. Ok, we'll be ok. No, no, no, it's gonna be, would you, would you rather pay the electricity bill for all of Las Vegas for a month or pay for the cost of California data centers for a week? Oh, well, I heard you talk about California data centers and California electric bills.
I live in Oregon. California electric bills are much higher than ours. I can attest to that, but there's a lot of lights in Vegas. Oh, the data centers running pure flash. Oh, I like the way you're thinking.
I'm gonna go with. Yes, then I'll go with the data centers. Yes. All right. I love this. OK. Um All right, Merlin. If you were a wizard, I bet you've never heard that.
I, I haven't heard that. Conjure one magical solution that would drastically reduce data center energy consumption. How would it work? And why? Mhm. How about if I give you two?
Is that OK? Options? I, I like it. So power to a data center about 40% of power consumption and data center goes to cooling. So I'm sure you're familiar with air cooling as a, as a solution that's most widely commonly used. Uh If I could wave a wand, I would have folks
switch to liquid cooling which can dramatically reduce the amount of energy needed uh to cool the data center. The second one, of course, I have to say storage, right? I'd have to go with flash storage, right? And get that. If I can get a 96% reduction in energy on my storage part,
which will be 20 to 25%. I could reduce 60% of energy consumption of data center like that. If I could do that, your name is Merlin. There you go. So, all right. Now, Merlyn, you have been at Intel for 24 years. I have to imagine that you've seen some pretty
amazing technology trends from internet to mobile and now we're in this crazy A I space. So what's been the most exciting? They're all exciting in their own way. And for those of you who live through those, you see how much business transformation and just transformation about just as a personal level of things that you do or you're now able to do have happened over time.
So, but when I look back at those transitions and those transformations that, that have happened and having the hindsight there, but knowing what's going to be coming for A I, I'd have to say A I is most exciting. I really think it's gonna change the way we work and it has the ability to change everyone's job, what we all do every day. So it's like the mobile revolution and the
internet transformation like all together plus plus. So I'd have to say I'm most excited for A I and, and all of you are gonna get to live through it. Right. I mean, we're gonna, this is an exciting time to be in technology and even just in the world, right? To see all the great things now that we're gonna be able to do that,
we just couldn't before. That's so true. And obviously Intel is at the forefront of it and we're so excited to be partners with you. And so uh with that, I think we are going to start moving to our next session. So big round of applause for Merlin Kiser, please, for all of you in the audience, you have the power to be a champion in your own organization,
really around that operational efficiency, but also helping your organization meet its sustainability goals. So let's work on that. We will be empowered together to work on those operational efficiency goals and help the planet in the meantime. So before I um introduce our next speaker, I just wanted to talk a few minutes
about um something that is very, very important to me. So yesterday we started and kicked off accelerate with a mean and amazing uh drum line in honor of June 10th. How was that? That was pretty amazing, right. Yes. Well, in a spirit of diversity and inclusion, I wanna remind everybody that June is also Pride
Month where we honor and celebrate our LGBT Q community around the world. And so I've seen many of you wearing our new pride at Pure Pin. And if you don't yet have one. I think there's probably a few left. They're at the registration desks if you don't have one, if there's no more left, I think they have stickers.
So please be sure to get one. Some of you may be wondering, hey, why are there additional colors that are represented on this pin? And so I wanted to share with you that this is the Pride Progress Pin or the Pride Progress flag. And for a little bit of historical context in 2018 black brown,
light blue, pink and white triangle stripes were added to advocate for progress and also to highlight inclusion of our transgender and LGBT people of color. So please wear your pride or your sticker. Please wear your pin or your or your sticker with pride. And um I will lead you, I will leave you with this lead with pure but always lead with
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Armstrong and Kister discuss the critical role of data in organisations and the substantial energy consumption of data centers. California and Texas data centers alone consume energy equivalent to millions of homes. Addressing these energy needs is vital due to the increasing demand from AI. Pure Storage and Intel are partnering to offer energy-efficient solutions, such as advanced processors and liquid cooling, reducing data centre power usage significantly. Proactive energy management and sustainability are necessary to ensure sustainability in the data centre.


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