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39:33 Webinar

Consolidate your EHR, Connect your PACS, Protect with Pure

Pure Storage is committed to collaboration and protection of tier 1 applications such as Electronic Health Records (EHR) and PACs. What if you were able to combine the workloads? We will discuss the benefits customers can receive today by identifying what workloads can be consolidated or moved to the cloud to help clean up their data centers and streamline their solutions.
This webinar first aired on 24 March 2022
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Good morning everyone and thanks for joining us today for our webinar. Consolidate your E H. R. Connected pax protect with pure, I'm gonna just go through a couple of notes and give them um for some housekeeping stuff. So today everyone is in listen mode only and if you have any questions um you can put that in the Q and a module that you'll find at the bottom of your screen and our presenters will
answer those throughout the, throughout the presentation and um at the end as well, today's webinar is being recorded and will provide you with that link and a follow up email following the webinar. And also, don't forget at the end of the webinar we'll have a drawing for the home labs air purifier.
So and also there's a short survey at the end of the webinar that'll pop up in a new window and we just ask you to take some time to fill that out for us so that we can make sure that we are providing you with the content and the topics that that you find valuable. Yes, So now let me introduce today's speakers, we have Chris Focus, Principal Engineer at here at Pure storage.
ErIC Nystrom solution Architect at Pure storage as well as Mark Dobbs. Global Strategic Alliances Manager also here at Pier storage and also Priscilla Sandberg. Global Strategic alliances Manager at Pure storage. So chris I'm going to hand it over to you to get us started. Excellent, thank you very much. Carol appreciate it.
Thank you everybody for joining us today on tech talks, we're going to try and make this as fun as possible even though the name doesn't really lean towards that. But you know what we want to talk about today is we want to talk about this really cool campaign that we launched over. We just actually launched it at times last year last week and it's called consolidation
connection and protection and it's, it's a very important thing for us to be talking to you guys about and we're excited to be having this opportunity. As carol mentioned, I am joined by the, the amazing healthcare team here at pure storage and if you didn't know that we had a health care team, you do now. So make sure you reach out to us.
If you have any specific questions in healthcare, we do have a Q and A going, we will try and answer and address those questions as we go or hey, we were just bring you out on live and and have you step up to the podium and ask the question uh, what we're gonna do is we're going to have a discussion now the consolidation connection protection is a series of talks about really knocking down legacy thinking and and breaking
down some silos those data data silos. We feel that you know, there's way too much data out there sitting in corners not being utilized and not really appreciating the value of that data. And we were also talking about workloads today, we're going to start talking about can Andy HR workload coexist on a flash array with packs.
Now there's a lot of people are going no way to tier two to tier one. No, we're we're we're not gonna be able to combine those workloads well if you take a step back and you look at the way that we will lead into the storage legacy, thinking we always were taught that we had to isolate those workloads and and so we're going to talk about some of the, you know, misconceptions out there and how technology has
actually caught up, especially in pure to be able to allow you to do this now um as we, as carol mentioned, I'm going to be talking with these fine folks about certain pieces but we're gonna start off with the fun part which is the technical part, at least in my opinion it is all right. And you know what I'm going to have erIC you do is I'm gonna ask you to introduce yourself, qualify yourself for this conversation And and
and talk to me about packs but before we do that, let me do the same. I am a principal healthcare engineer here at pure and I come to you after 24 years at meditation. I was the lead director of infrastructure, I was the guy that was probably insinuating that you had to have a dedicated stand for many tech but I did that based off of the numbers that we saw in the certification
testing and we did this in in lieu of not having to worry about the noisy neighbors, not having to worry about other things. We could just concentrate on just the Megatech workload. But I'm here to tell you today that pure the flash rate definitely has the capability to be able to handle both workloads. So with that erIC why don't you introduce yourself?
Give me your qualifications and uh and then we can really discuss, do you see out there a possibility of having thr impacts running on the same flash array? Sure. Thank you for inviting me. So just quickly about me, I've spent pretty much all of my career working with pax designing facts, implementing facts and such. So to answer your question as we
know the type of stories that you use for M. R. S and the type of agency that is required for those workloads. Given that there is enough to be able to run what is required by the packs and most pacS systems out there when you speak to your knees or your pacS vendor, they will provide you with some type of spec sheet, let it be an Excel spreadsheet that will
outline the storage requirements but specifically what you want to look for and when you qualify this, can I run my packs and my EMR on the same product is to make sure that the biopsy and the latency requirements that is for the packs sustained means meets what you need also for EMR at the same time. So there is a sweet spot there. Obviously we're not saying that you go to customers at large,
large university institutions are doing large workloads of millions of exams per year. But we're saying there is a piece there in the market where it will fit in, where you can also meet the requirements of the EMR and the requirements of the pax running on that same piece of hardware. So perspective. Right, right. I I totally agree with that.
I think that one of the things that we have to understand about this consolidation is understanding what the each application is going to require to run effectively and efficiently. Right. We cannot afford to have poor performance on either of these workloads. But at the same time I think that what we discover out there is when we get those those guides um in in med tech world,
it's the hardware configuration proposal. Uh it's not exactly clear on where the eye like ceilings came into play. When I did certification. I used to try and make the array blink lights. Alright, I wanted to to to fail and then I would know where the ceiling was. Then I would document that ceiling but it wasn't truly a reflection of the E HR workload. It was actually a reflection of just the
testing gear in the pax world. Do you feel that it is fine tuned to every system or do you find that customers are going to be a case by case. So most of the pax installs are actually a little bit of a snowflake and the reason for this is one packs can be deployed in multiple different ways. For example, there's packs within one packs product they,
for example, can use SMB for the short term storage and SMB for the archives Or smb for the short term storage and S three for the archive or in some cases blocked for the short term storage and blocked for the archive, A S and D and S three for the archives. So again, it comes back to, you know, when you look at what is the sweet spot or what is the customer that we can fit into this type of environment.
It's very important that we look at, here's what it says, here's the testing and this is the requirement by that I SV because where they tested, just like when you were at Mediatek, you know, you tried to make all the blinking lights and tried to break that piece of hardware, they do the same, they go through their test cycles and they say this is what we need.
And as long as we get this, we're good to go now looking at that, if you use like an X ray, for example, in that environment for a certain customer at that sweet spot of a size. It will be enough definitely for the backside. Now on the EMR side, I need to defer that question to you though.
Yeah. And we look at peaks and valleys, right? We look at averages above it. But in the many tech world and, and I speak very specific, too many tech. I do know that, you know, there are other E HRS that do require its own dedicated flash right? In the, in the epic world. Uh, and and also,
you know, with Allscripts Cerner, there's probably going to be some leniency. It depends on how the database is running in, in the size. But in the Megatech world, one of the things that we always were very concerned about is that the resources have to be there when the software calls it. So you had to plan at a very high level even though the average i apps on a given
file server are very low. But those peaks is really where, you know, the performance is going to show. And if we underestimate those, we're gonna have a problem with that. But I think what we've done here is we've technically answered that we can we can put these workloads on there providing we know and we understand the workloads and that that's really kind of cool.
But what I'd like to talk to you a little bit about is why do you think there are so many silos and before I do that carol, could we call the first poll question up? But all right. Yeah. So if everybody could take it while you guys like answering questions? Look at this, Look at that data.
Nice. Excellent. So the question is, did you have infrastructure and storage dedicated to each specific workloads? And what really, what we're looking at is at some point, you know, did somebody come in and say, you know, you have this particular stand running on E H R, you have this particular stand V D I, this particular sand packs.
And do you understand, you know, really, what we're looking to do is talk about why you actually went in that direction. Now, if you were talking something that was five years, six years, seven years ago, you know, technology kind of forced you to go in that direction, The controllers, the, you know, the bigger arrays were either too expensive and you just really weren't thinking about putting all that on the same,
you know, the the exact same. Alright, so um eric what do you see out there in your experience uh coming from that world and living in that world, did you ever have conversations with customers about taking their packs system and putting it on an existing array or was it always an assumption that they were going to get a dedicated infrastructure for
this packs. So from the environment where I came from specifically di sp where I worked at the question came up a few times where it was, can we consolidate the workloads, for example, the pacs archive together with skin documents or can we run these workloads together with this? And the most common answer is yes. As long as you meet the minimum requirements
that we have, the last thing that we want to happen is that you're running 100% peak on the EMR and you're trying to run 100% peak at the packs at the same time and they're struggling to compete against each other for resources. So given that those environments where I talk to customers about this, where they had storage or underlying infrastructure provided,
where it met those requirements. Yes, I mean it is okay. But I think historically the reason why we are here is because typically an EMR vendor would come in, they dictate you need to have this for your environment and then the pacs vendor would come in and certain of the pacs vendors that certified specifically would come in and say you have to run it on this and it has to be x, y and z.
Now, just like you mentioned earlier as technology has evolved, we're starting to see that the limitations within these environments, as far as throughput is no longer storage, it has moved in or moved on to other aspects of the environment. So because of that reason, I believe that for those midsized here where where we're not looking at millions and millions of exams per
year, I think that it probably would be a good fit to look at some possible consolidation. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's very interesting that you say that I actually spent, you know, the last 10 years that many tech were actually 14 were about the specific to the architecture and in the architecture and I worked with the integrators a lot. I worked with the vendors really closely.
Never was I asked to have A. D. H. I shared with packs and, and, and it's, it's, it's very interesting that we have the ability to talk to folks about that today because it was absolutely a no, no. And I don't think it was something that they were, they were scared to do. I think it was something that they were, they really could not predict. Um, and therefore they didn't want to take the
chance, right? Because at the end of the day, if, if you have bad performance, the things that you had to do back then to scale the system in order for her to meet expectations, it was a lot of work. A lot of work, unlike unlike today. So, um, let's see here, we got a couple of technical questions in the chat chris do you want to take
a couple of minutes to answer those? Yeah, let's do it. You want to read, can you read them off to me? Because I certainly can. So the first question we had was S and B is the flash array using WFS So the answer that question is no. So with flash blade it has native SMB support and we've had actually many insults over this last year running on flash blade for
SMB and flash rate for that member. Yes, we have a we have a new release of flash array files, we call it simply FAA files. And so in that situation you also have the same file capabilities that you'll have on our um similar platform called Flash blade, which is the scale out nas solution. Great. And the other question back to Mark and erIC again is how is pure getting the arrays to be signed off by pacs vendors for short term cash,
IIi agatha. So as to is uh so we, as far as actual goes, we've gone through their testing and their validation process and we are good to go with agatha as far as they're archived here, as far as their short term stories here, we are actually looking for a bag of a customer that is of adequate size and agatha says they will work with us if we find that customer and
they'll do a essentially a field pOC with them. So we passed all the testing aspects as far as it goes with agatha but they just want us to do one customer in the field that we do a field POC with which is fairly common with a lot of larger SUVs. Great. Another question we have is how is systematic and complete encryption impacting disk storage performance.
So from a pure perspective we and the certification and testing the attacks we have seen no impact on that aspect of performance wise. Yeah and in fact it was it was actually I got a funny story in regards to certification with Pure back in the day when we first were certifying Pure form Edit Tech we went through a series of ah basically functionalities that we're going to be assumed
to be turned on and turned off during certification. When we were completed with our certification around one we asked pure to now turn on all these functions uh encryption indeed do all the compression all that. Um And that's when they informed us that we never shut it off we actually can't shut it off. So it was actually really really cool to be able to take round ones numbers and not have to
run around too because they couldn't shut off even if we wanted them to. So it's it's actually really cool so you know taking that step into the world of I. T. Eric why would somebody want to do this? What do you think are some of the biggest benefits from from an I. T. Perspective to be able to take two
one flash right you cut out there for a second would you mind getting the pressure? Yeah so what I was saying is you know what are the distinctive advantages from an I. T. Perspective that you see by combining the E H R in the packs into a single onto a single flash already.
So I'll just speak from personal experience. But essentially uh I used to be that guy a long time ago and uh the less systems that I can manage and support within my environment essentially eliminates single points of failures. Right? So I if I that's where I see it and if you have the capability of consolidation in that sense where it fits in,
then I would definitely do it. What's common for these type of facilities that we're addressing with this type of discussion is they're usually smaller, they usually don't have access to a full sized data center, they usually don't have access to the staff that you have at larger facilities to manage multiple systems.
So essentially it's a way to streamline and simplify the environment of these smaller environments. It's kind of like when I travel, I like to travel with a backpack, really compact and not a lot of things like this. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then you then you add, you know, this might blur into the into the business side of things but you know,
I I look at it is having all the data being able to bring in a data, a data protection solution, be able to concentrate on those workloads and being able to actually work with a disaster recovery solution that can not only concentrate on backups but actually get you restore times that are very uh worthwhile in today's world with ransomware. Uh Then you add on safe mode and you add on
other functionalities regarding replication and all that cool stuff and I think it's really really neat to be able to apply that to multiple workloads in your in your I. T. Solution. Never mind the amount of racks, the amount of licensing amount of savings that you get just by being able to do this consolidation. So I absolutely agree with you 100%.
Um I think we're gonna need to turn it over to the business side of things now and I think we're gonna leave it to to Mark and Priscilla now um Carol did do the introductions but you know everybody knows Priscilla just by one name, it's kind of like Prince. So uh you know we're gonna we're gonna let her leave with the E. H. R. Stuff but we're also gonna let Mark talk.
Well that's a challenge. But we're gonna let Mark talk and and and talk about some of the business advantages that he sees by taking this in and run with it. I think we're going to do before we talk about the business side, we're gonna do poll number two. So on this side we were asking you are you're are your current thr impact systems
on one storage vendor solution meaning do you share the same solution across both? Ah but both solutions, both applications, I should say This is a good sign 20 minutes in and they're they're answering this question as fast as they answered the first one. So it's always a plus. Yeah, so it's it's a little bit more even um but the the noes have it a
little bit of advance and and that's you know, this is another area that we talked about and and I think that you guys are going to talk about evergreen, you're going to talk about the really cool things about that Pure brings to the table from a business perspective but I don't want to put words in your mouth. So Priscilla, you wanna you wanna kick it off?
Yeah, I'm happy to. Thanks chris um as carol mentioned, my name is Priscilla and I am the health care alliances manager for E. M. Our systems and payers here up here and prior to pure I spent Almost 17 years in field sales for Mediatek. So I always saw this situation from the other end.
Um and going back to what Chris said, I remember the first hospital I ever worked with had an it staff of one and one of the things that we did find it was a challenge was to help them to understand how they could support these large software deployments with such limited staff. Um One of the other issues that I faced on the application side was that I was trying to sell software but a lot of the budget had to go to
the hardware. And when you talk about having a couple of different arrays included in a hardware proposal you know the sites would always say well what can we do to make the slower? Is there any way you can get this down? We really need the software and we know it needs to run on the hardware. We only have this certain amount of budget and this is really gonna blow it.
So when I came over to Pure I thought okay well this is great technology and I really wasn't that concerned about the technology part of it because I don't really know anything about technology because I have chris and so what I saw was the value that all of my small hospitals I worked with in the upper midwest would have had if they had looked at pure. So you know I have a story about how one of my hospitals the I.
T. Director had started her job at the hospital as the night receptionist and had moved her way up for the last 30 years into I. T. So if you wanted my opinion I don't know that this woman would be qualified enough to run a very complicated array um any type of storage system. But with Pure as I saw that maybe even I
someone like myself could understand how to operate it. So I see it as helping hospitals do more with less and especially folks that have constraints around either budget resources or personnel resources. What about you, Mark? Yeah I mean I think that phrase goes a long way, we always say a little orange goes a long way
you know and that's what kind of brought me here too is you know from a tax perspective similar to eric's background, I've spent you know a little over a decade in kind of consultative sales and packs right running different vendors products and and speaking with physicians and like you said Priscilla, I would typically not talk about the underlying storage because how how can storage make a pact faster or better in any case.
Right. Well for those of you that are on the panel and indeed there can it can be the opposite, it can definitely impact the physicians reading experience in a negative manner but it's hard to troubleshoot because there's so many variables in the mix there right? There's your bandwidth and the connectivity and the radiologist workstation. But you know indeed that's that's what I saw as
well a lot of a lot of groups, right? A lot of hospitals, Priscilla don't have a lot of money and budget to spend on I. T. Let alone you know, O. T. S. Right, full time employees. Right. And so what we definitely have seen is the simplicity capability of how pure you know is is very very simple to manage,
but also capable of stacking a lot of, you know, weight on its shoulders. Uh, you know, 11 array can go a long way, a little pier goes a long way. And so we see that benefit carry over to the packs and simplify all sorts of other workloads, voice recognition, thr scan documents, you name it. It's a good setup. Yeah. Well, I think the other thing that I found when
I first started, it was very similar to the EMR market was um, you know, we essentially have a perpetual license. So back back in the day when I first started selling EMR s one of the ways you would win is you would wait for the vendor to send them a termination notice saying, you know, your five year term contract is up, you should renew with us.
And if you could get those hospitals to say, what about something else? You they're shutting you down, you had an opportunity to get in there and and swap them out. And so when I realized that pure has the same type of perpetual model where they're not essentially, You know, coming to a hospital in five years and saying either you need to upgrade or replace this,
like you have a 60 days notice or however long, they give. I see it as sort of smoothing out the financials of the hospital too because all of a sudden if you have this big, you know, you have a big spike in what you're paying because you have to rip your storage array out. Um, and the EMR vendors have, you know, once you have your implementation and and your
service you have a fixed monthly fee from for support and so pure works the same way, which I think is very conducive to the financial culture of hospital as it relates to purchasing. Yeah, fully agree. I mean, we we we speak to customers all the time right before this meeting we were on and they're having to figure out like what storage solutions they want to replace what,
you know, how much controller capabilities they need to figure out if it's a bit of a nightmare, but it's it's the world that we live in. Right? Typically this is the market that you're in so you're stuck in this repetitive grind of just figure out when the next storage guy, when that's when the sales rep is going to call me again, just you know, look at this next new shiny new tool,
Right? Um, so you're right. I think that introduces risk when you have to think about shopping it wastes a lot of time planned downtime is a thing that I could, you know, we can't understand enough. I mean the impact of down time period, but even planned downtown, right, is something that just wastes so much time and resources that should go away,
we need to find better solutions the iphone exists for example, for a reason. So I think it's time to kind of embrace that idea right of do more with less. Exactly You guys actually you've got a little technical there, priscilla, you know, it's, it really is, it, it talks to you migrations is a big thing.
We all know about that that lift and shift that you have to do every 3-5 years or in the medical world, sometimes it was pushed 7-10. Uh, it's just because the reality is these guys are going out to spend a lot of money on these arrays And they're being asked to replace them at 50, capacity full and I think that's that's hard for them. They spent a lot of money on these things. So what do they end up doing?
They end up putting their second tier, third tier, maybe fourth tier applications on them kind of running them in the corner. Maybe putting some legacy solutions in the corner and just running it. But you have to maintain those, you have to worry about the operating systems that are running on them. You have to worry about the VMS and the compatibility of,
of accessing that, that data. And I think that's where, you know, this whole, the theme of the consolidation connection and protection is really going to, you know, resonate with our customers and for those folks that will become our customers, they'll they'll start to see the light that even if you do have a pure array box right now and you haven't considered putting packs on there with Yuri HR maybe today is the
day that you look at that and say, you know what, what would it take? Maybe it's a controller upgrade. Maybe it's a little bit more capacity but it's a it's a it's a consolidation that I think that will will save you a lot of money down down the road. Uh Let's take a poll number three, question number three. And then do we have Q and A Yes,
we have several questions for most of you and erIC but that's fine with me and Mark. So so the third one is do you have data stored in your data center on the legacy system that you no longer have access to and and really what we're looking for is, you know, something that you knew you had to keep this data around for the 10 15 2030 years
based off of your states, uh you know, hypocritical state requirements. But we also, you know, Priscilla and I come from a background that they have had multiple platforms and these legacy platforms have to be maintained in order for you to access that data. So we work with a lot of because a lot of our partners to come up with solutions that we can walk up to our customers and say listen, you got this system right in the corner,
it's running on this old maintenance requirement or required storage array. Perhaps we could take that data off, we could put it on the puree, we can replicate it up into the cloud block store one of the public clouds of your choice and we could have an access up there. Not only do you now have the ability to access that data, you can also do analytics, you can do machine running,
you can do a lot of different things with it and I think that's really brings the value of that data back up because heck you you started for this many years. We might as well start using it for for a different purpose. So we appreciate you guys taking the effort to to answer these polls and and uh and give us some feedback on on this and it's it is pretty cool um that the,
you know, it the Number two and number three questions were very, very close at almost 50 either way. So it it gives us some some some feedback to run with. Yeah. And I see there's someone says that it's confusing the question a little bit details on that. It's more where you have a legacy system that like an interface system that is not being used
anymore. I had one believe it or not 6 70 years ago that was running on Windows. Nt server and they had to keep it running and for that purpose, we're just saying that if we can, in a way work with you guys to consolidate it over, still keep it running. But that way you don't have all these disparate systems out there.
Well I have a couple of questions for you, chris and erIC and Mark if it's applicable, um talking about how does pure handle many tech I D R snaps and I sp backups Sure. From the meditate perspective, we work very closely with both Bridgehead and calm vault to make sure that they're managing those effectively. We also understand that, you know,
their role is to be that, that backup management system and while both of them approach this, the system a little bit differently at the end of the day, you have your basic A P I that is is doing the videos and the in the pancreas to make sure that we have consistent copies and we have that um obviously the stability of the backups and that they're being done.
One of the areas that we're actually working with them is to really more enhance the restore process because we we feel that the restore is is more important today than even than ever before because of ransomware. Uh we uh totally understand with our data protection and our rapid restore solutions that customers cannot afford to be down for weeks just because of a ransomware attack.
They need to be down as little time as possible while they do their analysis while they get their systems back up while they realized, you know how, how they were hit, What we can't be doing is waiting for tapes or backups to reload just to find out that well, nope, that one's not going to be suitable, we have to go back to the next one.
Unfortunately a lot of customers don't get that answer within 24, hours then and they have to go back to the next one and and being able to work with our customers to understand the restore process is just as important today as ever before. We're excited to work with our partners and enhance that solution further every day. Yes, so on the pack side, typically, especially the world that I came from backups was always
responsibilities of the customer. And so what I've done primarily here at pure is we make sure that we fit in within the environments of advising the customer for backup. So pretty much what chris spoke to. I am by no means a storage expert or a backup expert but I can definitely speak to the packs and just like chris mentioned,
you know, if you do get hit, there is a very strong importance to getting that back up and running as quickly as possible, but to the same point, most pacs environments have some type of Bcs or business continuity system implemented because we cannot afford downtime from these environments chris cool any more questions, Let me look. Um there's 11 specific about defining
the workloads. Can you define the workload that you're talking about for pax and just images or images and studies or everything like database app studies etcetera. Yeah, that's a good question. Right. So what it comes down to kind of what I talked about before, It's all about meeting the required performance. So is it is it possible to do this type of
consolidation? Yes. But the most important piece is that you go and talk to your I SV and the same thing with your EMR vendor. Now. We've talked a lot about me detective. But there's a lot of other phrs out there or EMR s out there too. So the question is go talk to your eyes ves make sure that they are okay with it because if
they're not okay with it, you guys know what happened. They get all upset and then you end up have to migrate off and replace it. You don't want to do things without them saying it's okay. Mostly though they are going to say yes. Given that you meet our performance requirements, right.
KPI s and you guys know this when you signed the contract for pax, you love putting those KPI S in there, right? Yeah. Check with your I SV but from technology perspective we truly believe that this is something that could be done for, you know, that mid tier kind of type of customer.
Cool. Anything else out there? I think we've done really good on time wise. So mm hmm. I think we've answered all the polls and and some of the questions. So let's just ask for for our our guys in girl to to give us a final, you know, let's push these guys to the right decision yet.
Let me address this question. There's a question will DNA solution advantage over spending storage expansions for pax Radiology Cardio three in mammal. Right. So Vienna? Yes. The concept of Vienna is to consolidate all your enterprise imaging data under one umbrella in a non proprietary format.
So if you put that D. N A on pure then absolutely. I mean you will take all these disparate ideologies running in your environment and you know, we're starting to add ology is now like ophthalmology pathology Uh and again, like I mentioned cardiology three d mammo all these things. If you can have the ability to consolidate them through DNA,
the DNA will manage the storage which was referred to as I L M integrated Lifecycle management, which is part of a bien a tool set by doing so, the answer to your question is yes. So if you only have a pax and you want to consolidate, then make sure you upgrade or start looking at the N X. Yeah. Just one thing to add to that too.
I think the piece that we all would probably the four of us would agree on is we can't underscore enough the importance or the benefit of doing this on the clinical level. So while absolutely we are here to make sure that we simplify the icy side of the house which is the majority of this conversation. The benefits are actually as profound if not more so on the clinical side,
what we mean by that is erIC and I typically see positions, harvesting data, pulling it up in the viewer, you know sometimes 30 40% quicker than before christmas priscilla. See the same thing on the meta tech side, right. Where the login times are dramatically cut in half. And so the benefit isn't just all the
simplicity, the beauty, the scalability, the no more migrations, everything that you may or may not know about pure from a technology and business perspective but to give you back some clinical outcome, a better outcome we would argue. We think that's probably just as important if not more. So it gives back to your positions that you're serving from your departments and I think
that's what my my summary stable would be. That's what we're here for. This is what this team is built for. Is is to make sure that our organization understands the nuances of health care and the impact that our hardware has on providers and clinicians and our patients and we are here at your disposal as a customer as a prospect, as a partner, we work with these vendors all the time.
We have contacts, we have connections and while some of this may seem a little daunting. You don't have to do it alone. You can always call us and you know, our sole purpose is we're here to help. So yeah, we talked the talk and I think it's important for you guys to understand when you guys have invited us to the table, we're going to talk about solutions.
We're gonna talk about overall solutions. We're gonna be able to talk to talk with you guys in regards to health care thr versus your packs. It's uh it's to us this is what we love to do. We'd love to talk to people about solving problems and and seeing in which ways we can bring solutions together to make the lives a little bit easier to run the solution. I did have somebody come up to me and him's and
says one thing wrong with Pure is the only concentrate on storage. And and I thought that was a very interesting conversation to have with this gentleman because yeah we we do and we don't want our customers concentrated on storage, we want them to forget about storage, we want them concentrated on applications, Priscilla. And I could sit down with you and talk about
hospitals that were able after implementing Pure, they were able to take I. T. Staff and rededicate their expertise to other areas to account for. You know, these types of really cool developments in applications like video conferencing in such. They were able to take that during a pandemic and apply those resources where they needed to
be. So if you did ask a question and we weren't able to get to it please we will get back to you, we will get a copy of all the questions and we will reach back out to you uh and please if you have the time and the resources to be able to continue to follow this series, look for the next one that we announce coming down the road. We're not sure whether that's going to be but
it will be soon and we we really appreciate you joining us today carol. Do you want to wrap it up? Wonderful. Thank you all so much. What a great um webinar you guys provided such great information for our audience and now I get the fun part because as promised we do have a prize drawing and our prize, our prize is the Home labs air purifier. And today our lucky winner is Peter
W of pennsylvania and Peter I will reach out to you via email to get you the link so that you can claim your prize. So and again one more reminder after after the webinar ends another window will pop up with a survey and we just ask that you answer those quick six questions to give us feedback. Um so that we can make sure that we are providing you with the information and topics
that are helpful to you. And thanks again to our speakers and thank you all for joining us today. And we hope to see you at another webinar in the future. Thanks everyone. Have a great day.
  • Healthcare
  • Evergreen//One
  • Tech Talks

Chris Bokis

Principal Healthcare Engineer, Pure Storage

Erik Nystrom

Enterprise Imaging Solution Architect, Global Alliances, Pure Storage

Mark Dobbs

Senior Healthcare Strategic Alliances Manager, Pure Storage

Priscilla Sandberg

Senior Strategic Healthcare Alliances Manager, Global Alliances, Pure Storage

Pure Storage is committed to collaboration and protection of tier 1 applications such as Electronic Health Records (EHR) and PACS. What if you were able to combine the workloads?

We will discuss the benefits customers can receive today by identifying what workloads can be consolidated or moved to the cloud to help clean up their data centers and streamline their solutions.

What You'll Learn:

  • Can EHR and PACS workloads run on the same Array?
  • Challenges IT must address managing multiple storage arrays.
  • How valuable is the data?
  • How to protect this valuable data

We look forward to having you join Pure Storage for this exciting healthcare-focused webinar!

Evergreen One

Reduce Risk with Evergreen//One™

Downtime is not an option. Look to Pure to ensure you’re always ready to meet capacity demands.

Explore Evergreen//One
Accelerate Business, Cuts Costs, and Improve Performance with an All-flash Data Platform
Discover how Pure Storage customers around the globe are unlocking massive savings on premises and in the cloud
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