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Data Mobility in Hybrid Cloud with FlashBlade

In this demo, Bikash demonstrates how you can bridge the cloud divide with improved data mobility thanks to FlashBlade's simplified file system replication.
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Bikash Roy Choudhury: And welcome to a demo video on data mobility with filesystem replication in hybrid cloud with FlashBlade, cloud boosting use cases, which required to move data from an on premise location to an Equinix location that connects to an Azure Cloud using Express Route. to state the
data, we were using an error level file system replication to move the data from our on premise to an equinix location. The two factor the four factors that are responsible for for this replication one is the security and performance which is the transfer rate, the efficiency that is there for the
data or the location, finally automating this entire process with zero storage touch. Now, on the left hand side of this demo, you'll notice the source FlashBlade sitting in the on premise location, and the target FlashBlade sitting on the equinix location that connects to the Azure Cloud using an
express route. Now the puzzle that we are going to replicate is Spectre service 2020 with a capacity of 2.3 terabyte and the left hands on the right hand side, if you notice that the FlashBlade, the listing on the ile system listing does not how that filesystem yet because he replication has not taken
lace. So the first step to stop he replication is to establish n array connectivity. So direct onnectivity is that one time onnection, which established he beginning the start of the eplication, then we need to go o our GitHub location, and ownload the Ansible playbook or flashplayer, which includes
file system replication to utomate this entire application rocess. First step in the nsible playbook is to configure he API token, which represents wo flashplayer endpoints. And hat has been encrypted and tored in the Ansible board. And his is again an one time onfiguration that you need to
o the start of the replication. hen we will move on to the onfiguration file in the laybook, which where we specify he the source FlashBlade, and t e target FlashBlade in ormation, followed by the fi e system that needs to be re licated. And in this case, th name of the file system has sp
d us up as 2020 that we would te d to replicate from the so rce to the target that is on pr mise to an equinix location. Be ore we start the replication, on other point thing I would li e to point out is there is no re lica link established yet be ause we have not started off th replication. So both lo
ations, there is no replica. No we kick off the Ansible pl ybook for the application to st rt. So now if you see that ou replica links established be ween the two flash plates in th two different locations it is state is idle right now. But th replication will kick off ri ht Oh, so now you see the new fi
e system is created on the to that is called specter. Su pose 2020 it is in a demoted st te. That means it is a read on y copy. But as a source, it sa s promoted that means it is a re dwrite copy. Now let's look into the file replication replica links how it
is replicating so the replication has kicked off right now. So it is replicating on both sides of look at the performance of the transfer rate we're getting about 8.6 gigabyte per second, which is definitely great for this file system 2.3 terabyte so replication is in progress. At this time that
application is complete to even see it as a 2.3 terabyte in the target, but still it is demoted which means again, it is a read only copy that you cannot make changes to the file system. So the next step is to promote the target to read write, copy, and mounted to Azure VMs. And we're specifying the Azure VMs here
automatically using Ansible playbooks. So currently, those hosts did not have any mount points of the speakers of this file systems right now. So we kick off the Ansible playbook with all the settings to promote the target file system spec as as read write, and also automatically mounted filesystem
to the Azure VMs using a slash amenti slash better smart path. So on Azure VM one, if we now go and list the mount options CSC MFT spec as 20 20 mounting the speaker suppose continuity file system, the same thing you would notice on the second host, the similar mount path. So this is all automated. So now if we go
into one of the file system mount paths to check the files, we'll see about 20 billion files listed in there. That concludes the video.
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Equinix
  • FlashBlade

In this demo, Bikash Roy Choudhury, Technical Director, EDA/HPC/DevOps at Pure Storage, discusses data mobility with filesystem replication in hybrid cloud with FlashBlade. Watch the video to see how you can move data from on-premises FlashBlade to an Equinix location that connects to Azure Cloud using Express Route.

Pure Storage Solution for Quant and HFT
FlashArray//X™ and FlashBlade//S™ deliver the low latency, maximum throughput and continuous uptime needed to meet the data demands of quant and HFT workloads.
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