The challenges that we see in today's world are those of energy, of resource, of constraint, of population. Pure focus is on innovation and solving the problems of today, but also tomorrow. That is our track record. That is our genuine hope to build a technology
set that will help challenge, solve and in some days take away today's challenges of resource. Today's round table discussion focused on the importance of sustainable in the operation of data centres. One of the things we talked about was where sustainability ranks in terms of the priorities for data centre operators, and clearly it still lags behind functionality and it still lags behind cost.
People still want to make sure that their data centres work and that they are affordable but sustainability, definitely rising up the league table of priorities here in the region. It was felt that we are still followers rather than leaders on the sustainability agenda, although of course with Cop 28 here in Dubai and that renewed focus on sustainability that could all change. The importance, I think, is of a an alliance
between chief sustainability officers, chief finance officers and chief technology officers to make sure that data centres do their job, do that job at a cost that is sustainable for the organisation and do so with energy usage that is sustainable for the planet. Climate change has become a priority whether we like it or not. Climate is in every board discussion.
Every aspect is becoming important. Most important aspect which I was really looking at, how technology would play a major role in the whole aspect of either climate change or how we are bringing in other aspects of social and governance. So all those have been met.