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Evergreen Customer Quotes

Here is what Pure’s Evergreen customers are saying about the news.

“The Evergreen program is a huge advantage to working with Pure. We’ve been able to continually upgrade to new generation controllers to take advantage of things like NVMe. We’re so confident in the non-disruptive nature of the upgrades that we schedule them on weekday afternoons. They take ten minutes without any of our users or services hosted on the arrays even noticing.”

James Kelly
Oracle DBA and Storage Administrator, Chapman University

“Traditional clouds are burdened with overprovisioning. With Pure, we now have a solution perfectly tailored to our needs, and one that scales seamlessly thanks to non-disruptive Evergreen storage upgrades.”

Marco ZaniI
CEO, Neen

“Pure is completely different, the approach is unique and has completely convinced us. The performance boost was immense. Evergreen is an important argument for Pure.”

Oliver Retz
CIO, Jung Holding GmbH

“Pure knows better than anyone else how to integrate new technologies into its storage solutions while maintaining simplicity, which suits our IT team perfectly. Pure Evergreen Storage allows us to upgrade our storage capacity non-disruptively—without changing hardware or questioning our initial investment.”

Marc Duong

“Evergreen offers an ideal subscription model that gives us priceless peace of mind.”

Rodrigo Goncalves

“Evergreen’s non-disruptive upgrades have simplified the management of our infrastructure dramatically.”

Alvin Ong
CIO, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
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